We're extremely happy to share our first JACS Au manuscript has been accepted, and it's now available as Open Access through the publisher website
We are so proud to announce here that our collaborative research article at JACS Au, entitled "De Novo Engineering of Pd-Metalloproteins and Their Use as Intracellular Catalysts" and authored by S. Learte-Aymamí, L. Martínez-Castro, C. González-González, M. Condeminas, P. Martin-Malpartida, M. Tomás-Gamasa, S. Baúlde, J. R. Couceiro, J.-D. Maréchal, M. J. Macias, J. L. Mascareñas and M. E. Vázquez, has been accepted and it's already on-line (gold Open Access) also being selected as "Editors' Choice".
Abstract: The development of transition metal-based catalytic platforms that
promote bioorthogonal reactions inside living cells remains a major
challenge in chemical biology. This is particularly true for
palladium-based catalysts, which are very powerful in organic synthesis
but perform poorly in the cellular environment, mainly due to their
rapid deactivation. We now demonstrate that grafting Pd(II) complexes
into engineered β-sheets of a model WW domain results in cell-compatible
palladominiproteins that effectively catalyze depropargylation
reactions inside HeLa cells. The concave shape of the WW domain β-sheet
proved particularly suitable for accommodating the metal center and
protecting it from rapid deactivation in the cellular environment. A
thorough NMR and computational study confirmed the formation of the
metal-stapled peptides and allowed us to propose a three-dimensional
structure for this novel metalloprotein motif.
External link: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacsau.4c00379